
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

About the ads

So you can't help but notice there are ads on this site. These are Google ads. I have no control over the content. Due to the nature of my blog it's likely that ads from major pharmaceutical companies will show up here. For example, the ad showing on my blog at the time of this post is for Although this ad touts information about antipsychotic drugs, it's really a site paid for by Janssen-Cilag which is likely the European subsidiary of Janssen in the US which promotes Risperdal. You have to dig to figure this out. By the way, Janssen is one of the Johnson and Johnson companies. Anyway, my point is that you should take the offerings with a grain of salt and look to see who is sponsoring the site before you fully trust its content. Be especially suspicious if they don't even spell the product name correctly in the ad - geez.


blog deleted said...

About Ads: Mozilla has a great add-on called AdBlock Plus that effectively hides most banner ads. I have it and I haven't seen a single ad on your page.

Slug said...

But, but that means you can't click on them and generate revenue for me to support my coffee habit... Oh well...